Market updates April 4, 2022

Is this the time to sell?

Do I sell or Do I buy?.” It is so difficult in this current real estate climate if you currently own a home to know what to do.
 I have been in and around the real estate business for close to 40 years and I have never seen such a swift rise in home prices and plethora of home equity.
 Nationally in third quarter of 2021 home equity averaged an increase of $57,000.00 or 31% average.  This statistic is an anomaly to say the least and you must be asking yourself is this the time to sell and if I do sell can I afford to purchase another home?  The answer is with this type of equity more than likely you can afford to purchase another home equal to or greater than the one you are selling but it may not happen as quickly as it has in the past.
One of the reasons for the large increase in home equity/values is “supply and demand”.  There just is not enough homes to purchase as there are buyers, so like with any commodity the price goes up.  This is not to say that buyers are not able to find a home to purchase it is just there are not as many, therefore, taking longer to find a home.  However,  for sellers this is an opportunity to cash in on a lot of equity not seen in a long time!  If you have the ability to sell, NOW IS THE TIME!
I would be happy to discuss with you my opinion of your home and potential equity you may have.  Please feel free to give me a call, I would love to hear from you!
Jamie Kardosh
Coldwell Banker Schmidt Petoskey
Northern Michigan March 7, 2020


I write a lot about this beautiful area that I live in because this is not only where I sell homes but I believe this is one of the little hidden beauties of this country.  You may see ads or social media photos at different times about this beautiful area but until I watched an episode of the Today Show and Kathy Lee Gifford’s visit here, I never really realized that people didn’t know it existed.  Kathy Lee marveled over the breath taking views, shops, restaurants and the intense beauty that Little Traverse Bay has to offer and you know what?  She’s right!

I live on one of the inland lakes just outside of Petoskey on the famous Inland Waterway and although I love the clean crisp snow there is nothing better than after a long winter watching the snow and ice melt on the lakes, the fishing shanties come down and the birds start to return from their southern migration.  If you live here you learn not to be fooled as the snow and cold may return in a matter of days but it is the excitement of knowing that soon the lakes will be clear of ice, the trees will start to blossom with leaves and the never ending sound of  docks returning to the water will start to surface.

If you are looking to visit or purchase in the #Petoskey, #Harbor Springs, #Charlevoix or #Cheboygan  area please call me, it would be my pleasure to help you!

Jamie Kardosh, Sales Associate

Coldwell Banker Schmidt RE, Petoskey
